Sunday 2 February 2020

BDARA Assists Brunei Cycling Federation 2020

Ahli BDARA bersama Yang Berhormat Mejar Jeneral (B) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Aminuddin Ihsan
in Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin, Menteri Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan, Negara Brunei Darussalam

BDARA  menyumbangkan bantuan perhubungaan bagi acara Kejohanan  lumba basikal peringkat kebangsaan individual Time  Trial   2020  anjuran  Brunei Cycling  Federation  yang di adakan di Bukit Shahbandar pada Hari Ahad 2 haribulan Febuari 2020.

Friday 15 November 2019

Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association Is Taking Part In 'SEANET' Convention 2019

Six members of Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association or BDARA left the country yesterday morning to take part in the 47th South East Asia Network, SEANET. The convention in Johor Baharu, Malaysia will be held until this Sunday.

The national flag was handed over by Pengiran Haji Haris bin Pengiran Haji Duraman, Advisor of BDARA to head of delegation, Retired Major Haji Tamat bin Haji Lampoh, Advisor of the Association. Several amateur radio association members from United States of America, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Germany, Japan, China and Brunei Darussalam are taking part in the convention. The delegation will attend a number of briefing on the latest amateur radio communication for the 4 point zero revolution era as well as the new methods for radio usage.

Friday 1 November 2019

Understanding Amature Radio in Brunei Darussalam

Amateur Radio


Amateur Radio Service is a radiocommunication service used as a hobby that brings people and communication together. Individual use radio to reach out across cities, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. When all means of communication fails, particularly during national disasters, Amateur Radio can be an alternative form of communication that can serve as emergency service dispatchers and message relayers.

AITI is the authorized statutory body to issue Amateur Radio Apparatus License in Brunei Darussalam. The license issued is only valid within the territory and territorial water of Brunei Darussalam.
There are two (2) types of Amateur Radio Apparatus License:-
  1. Standard Class License
    • Type of Licensee: Generally new amateur radio operators
    • Operation of Amateur Radio: Licensees are only allowed to operate in the VHF frequencies (range of 144 MHz to 148 MHz)
    • Validity: One (1) year and renewable
  1. Advance Class License
    • Type of Licensee: Amateur radio operators who applied and gained approval to upgrade from the Standard Class License
    • Operation of Amateur Radio: Licensees are allowed to operate in all amateur radio bands as stated in the Apparatus License
    • Validity: One (1) year and renewable
Rules and Regulation
All licensee shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecom's and Radio-communications regulations and any amendments made thereof. The transmitting frequency bands allowed from an amateur radio station shall be at the discretion of AITI but within the limits prescribed by the radio regulations, annexed to International Telecommunication Convention of the International Telecommunication Union. 


Interested individuals must fulfill the following eligibility requirements to own an Amateur Radio Apparatus License: 
  1. Aged above seventeen (17) years old;
  2. Citizens or Permanent Residents of Brunei Darussalam; and
  3. Must pass the Amateur Radio Examination.
  1. Aged between fourteen (14) to seventeen (17) years old;
  2. Citizens or Permanent Residents of Brunei Darussalam; and
  3. Must pass the Amateur Radio Examination.
Foreign nationals
  1. Has a valid Amateur Radio Apparatus Licence issued by his or her home country authority; and
  2. Requires a guarantor who holds a valid Brunei Amateur Radio Apparatus License.

Sunday 20 October 2019


Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association through its Amateur Radio Club participated in the 62nd Jamboree On The Air or JOTA AND 23rd Jamboree On The Internet or JOTI. Millions of scouts worldwide took part in the activity which aimed to provide knowledge on the importance of communication devices which can affect the current lifestyle which is full of advanced technology.

Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association through its Amateur Radio Club participated in the 62nd Jamboree On The Air or JOTA AND 23rd Jamboree On The Internet or JOTI. Millions of scouts worldwide took part in the activity which aimed to provide knowledge on the importance of communication devices which can affect the current lifestyle which is full of advanced technology.

It was officiated by Awang Haji Matassim bin Haji Duraman, Deputy Chief Commissioner of Scouts. More than 150 scouts comprising Cub Scouts, Junior Scouts, Venture Scouts, Rover Scouts, Air Scouts and Sea Scouts from Brunei Muara District and Temburong District took part in the activity held at the headquarters of Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association. Meanwhile more than 100 scouts from the Tutong District and Belait District participated in the activity which took place at the headquarters of Tutong District Scouts Association.

The JOTA and JOTI activities are carried out every year during the third week of October. The uniqueness of the jamborees is that each participating scout can connect with other scouts worldwide using a high frequency amateur radio, namely 'High Frequency', HF, and 'Very High Frequency' or VHF as well as through Skype application and Scoutlink.