Six members of Brunei Darussalam
Amateur Radio Association or BDARA left the country yesterday morning to
take part in the 47th South East Asia Network, SEANET. The convention
in Johor Baharu, Malaysia will be held until this Sunday.
The national flag was handed over by Pengiran Haji Haris bin Pengiran
Haji Duraman, Advisor of BDARA to head of delegation, Retired Major
Haji Tamat bin Haji Lampoh, Advisor of the Association. Several amateur
radio association members from United States of America, Australia,
Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Germany, Japan, China and Brunei
Darussalam are taking part in the convention. The delegation will attend
a number of briefing on the latest amateur radio communication for the 4
point zero revolution era as well as the new methods for radio usage.